What is Performance Coaching?

Performance Coaching is the ongoing process that helps you build and maintain high levels of athletic performance by identifying your strengths and areas for improvement. It puts you front and centre of your training requirements, growth and understanding of how to become the best athlete for your chosen sporting activity.

Do I have to be an elite Athlete?

No! I Coach all kinds of individuals, from high level performance athletes to people wanting to improve day to day life tasks, develop and maintain their physical and mental strength through their lifetime.

Do you just Coach Runners?

No! While my passion is running, I also Coach and support Cyclists and team sport athletes with their strength and fitness in and out of season.

Do I need to have a certain level of fitness?

No! Everyone is welcome whatever your fitness level. So don’t think you need to go away and get fit before you join in with sessions or start your journey, the sooner you start the sooner you will improve in every way.